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Questions Remain
- Izi, Atticus and Vonris meet Waylon in Eret’zel and begin to assist him in his struggle against the undead. Atticus casts locate object, trying to find Trillian by locking on to the keys she kept on her belt. He senses her in their general area.
- Fight: (6) Undead, (2) Nothic, (1) Wraith. The party slowly deals with all of the undead and gains a moment of respite to take in their surroundings.
- Atticus is still searching for Trillian and senses her just in the distance. Then begins to see the shadow of a young girl approach through the mists. Her features are darkened, face tear strewn and is subdued with an expression full of despair and sorrow.
- Waylon and Atticus learn that Trillian is a shadow of her former self, extremely scared and distraught from even the smallest of interactions.
- The party calms her, and though still very fatigued, she is able to communicate.
- Trillian seems to not understand what has happened to her father, Hyldan and desperately pleads to be taken back to him. Waylon finds empathy with Trillian and her desires and tries to persuade returning to the House of Questions. Atticus seeks to return Trillian to an area of safety (Adgrove) where they can send word to Hyldan that she is there. Izi weighs the input of the others and acts as the Arbiter, summoning inspiration from the day to guide his actions.
- Trillian hints that there is a structure back the way she came from, but is terrified of returning there. Knowing they must find a door, the party proceeds toward the structure, which slowly sends Trilian into a catotonic state as they draw closer.
- The party Approaches a large, ominous building of stone and piercing spires. Up a long reach of stairs the party finds an alcove in the building with doors on either side and Guarding the main doors in front of them are two Graetor guards.
- The Grators seem to not respond to the party as they approach. Izi, in quick wit, recalls that the Graetors seem to drain magical energy in their surrounding and chooses not to use his Key in the main door, and instead chooses one of the side doors.
- The party ultimately decides to return to the safety of the Red Inn in Bilnarak. Which is both close to Hyldan, but also considered a safe space, relative to the House of Questions.
- Vonris, carrying Trillian, hurries through the door followed closely by Waylon. Izi then slips then turns to see Atticus closing the door behind Izi, leaving himself in Eret’zel. Alone.
- Vonris, Waylon and Izi recuperate in the Red Inn with Trillian. Izi casts detect magic on Trillian…